Delta announces embassy strike
![Announces embassy strike: - This is about the general right to organize. The local employees, like everyone else, have a claim to influence over their everyday working life, emphasizes Delta president Trond Ellefsen. (Photo: Per Tandberg/Delta).]({"128":"/aktuelt/delta-announces-embassy-strike/_/image/ed71d21b-99fe-4a21-925d-9884d569ed24:4a735d4d385e367b0df4ac7bf52cc1ae98980f79/block-128-64/TE%20UDLAF%20UD.jpg","256":"/aktuelt/delta-announces-embassy-strike/_/image/ed71d21b-99fe-4a21-925d-9884d569ed24:4a735d4d385e367b0df4ac7bf52cc1ae98980f79/block-256-128/TE%20UDLAF%20UD.jpg","512":"/aktuelt/delta-announces-embassy-strike/_/image/ed71d21b-99fe-4a21-925d-9884d569ed24:4a735d4d385e367b0df4ac7bf52cc1ae98980f79/block-512-256/TE%20UDLAF%20UD.jpg","1024":"/aktuelt/delta-announces-embassy-strike/_/image/ed71d21b-99fe-4a21-925d-9884d569ed24:4a735d4d385e367b0df4ac7bf52cc1ae98980f79/block-1024-512/TE%20UDLAF%20UD.jpg","1600":"/aktuelt/delta-announces-embassy-strike/_/image/ed71d21b-99fe-4a21-925d-9884d569ed24:4a735d4d385e367b0df4ac7bf52cc1ae98980f79/block-1600-800/TE%20UDLAF%20UD.jpg","2048":"/aktuelt/delta-announces-embassy-strike/_/image/ed71d21b-99fe-4a21-925d-9884d569ed24:4a735d4d385e367b0df4ac7bf52cc1ae98980f79/block-2048-1024/TE%20UDLAF%20UD.jpg","original":"/aktuelt/delta-announces-embassy-strike/_/image/ed71d21b-99fe-4a21-925d-9884d569ed24:4a735d4d385e367b0df4ac7bf52cc1ae98980f79/width-4032/TE%20UDLAF%20UD.jpg"})
Industrial action may take place at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Stockholm, as Delta – Norwegian Public Sector Trade Union has sent a notice of collective work stoppage. Delta believes that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs practices an employer policy that would not be deemed acceptable for any other government employers.
The conflict concerns what range of rights the local employees at the embassies should have. Even though they are members of one of Norways largest trade unions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has refused to enter into any agreement on co-determination with them.
- Delta requires that local employees receive a collective agreement on co-determination. This should be completely harmless and unproblematic for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is about the values we as a country are known for and of which we regularly boast, says Delta president Trond Ellefsen.
Among other demands, Delta's requirements include that the local employees must have union representatives in accordance regular Norwegian workplace standards. This includes but is not limited to cases of problems at the workplace, reorganization processes and other situations that affect the individual's everyday working life.
- This is about the general right to organize, to choose a union representative and to have a seat at the table when conditions in the workplace are discussed, says Ellefsen.
- Cooperation between the social partners is the usual way of relating to each other in Norwegian working life. The local employees, like everyone else, have a claim to influence over their everyday working life, emphasizes Delta president Ellefsen.
Local employees are employed and work directly at the individual foreign station. Local employees perform a wide range of tasks within a wide range of services, driver services, caretaker services, various administrative tasks, case management, consular affairs, cultural affairs, project management and tasks related to everyday operations of the embassy.